We all have a last supper.
In the story of Jesus of Nazareth, this meal was followed by a series of terrible experiences. the suffering and horror of what followed has been of momentous significance over the intervening 2000 years.
The story has remained deeply powerful and meaningful as it stretches across the abyss of time.
Everyone… anyone… can relate to this story of sacrifice.
The continuing nature of this story is represented here by the constant flow of the wood chips, shifting into the blurred world of trees that line a rural road… the endless flow of time that integrates momentarily with our own temporal lives. Perhaps, through the connection, we become immortal in the timeless replay of those 2000 years.
in the world of jesus Time is compressed.
the video speeds up & slows down… reflecting our experience of time… in our own lives & in our experience of history.
Jesus as carpenter is reflected through the wooden materials: the wood chips in the video & the hemlock table that has a dinner plate nailed to it… a foreshadowing of the Crucifixion.
The hemlock table has been constructed with techniques from the time of Jesus, with wooden dowels holding the pieces together.
The wood chippings are a waste product from milling lumber: they are sacrificed in the process.
The video runs for 8:23 minutes.
LAST SUPPER installed.
Still from LAST SUPPER